Finding a Teacher Training Course

There are several thousand Alexander teachers worldwide. Most of them have completed a three-year full time training course and are certified teaching members of one or more Alexander Technique professional societies. Typically, these societies require successful completion of a 3 year full-time study program at an accredited teacher training course – 1500-1600 hours of instruction.

A number of teachers have trained more informally on an apprenticeship basis. Some professional societies have a waiver process allowing these teachers to become certified based on a peer-review process or, in certain cases, requiring attendance at an approved training course and approval by the Director. Some of these informally-trained teachers have elected not to be certified by a professional society. There is no legal requirement for such certification.

You can find links to training courses arranged by location on the following pages:

Please remember that these are links, not recommendation and that not all the training courses listed qualify graduates for membership in one of the major Alexander Technique professional societies.

Alexander Technique Professional Societies

Below you will find links to Alexander Technique professional societies that certify training courses. There you can find information about their certification requirements and information about training courses that do not yet have their own websites.

American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) – This link will take you to AmSAT’s homepage. AmSAT certifies training courses in the United States. You can get information on AmSAT-approved training courses by calling (800) 473-0620.

Alexander Technique International (ATI) – This link will take you to main ATI page. ATI uses a peer-review process to certify teachers. You can contact ATI in the United States at (888) 321-0856.

The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) – STAT is the oldest Alexander professional society. It is based in the United Kingdom and certifies courses in the UK and some other countries. It is affiliated with a number of professional societies in other countries (AmSAT, CANSTAT and AUSTAT, for example). This site provides basic information information about STAT-certified courses in the UK as well as contact information about affiliated societies in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain and Switzerland. Some of those affiliated societies have approved local training courses. You can also contact STAT in London at 020 7284 3338.

Canadian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (CANSTAT) – Certifies teacher training courses in Canada. Contact CANSTAT via the email address on the site.

Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (AUSTAT) – Certifies teacher training courses in Australia.